Hi teacher. How are you?? This is my comment about "Raising Arizona" movie.
It was funny because H.I. was all the time trapped in adventures. I found funny the mishap when the couple unable to adopt child tought that a couple who just had quintuplets won't mind if they steal one of the babies because obviously any parent would notice that.
It was funny how he had a lot of problems just for steal some "huggies"!!
Another part of the film that makes me laugh was when one of the H.I.´s friends asked him to share the woman and have an open marriage. And the dream he had at the end where Nathan Jr was playing football and he was a happy old man sharing a good life beside her wife.
Altough maybe they were a little crazy I liked the part when they decided to return the baby to his parents.
It´s a funny movie, but I´d only see it once.
Liliana Camacho